Prepared by Professor Dr Nada Majkić-Singh,
Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia Director
Appreciating the work of their teacher and a renowned expert Professor Dr Ivan Berkeš, the Society of Medical Biochemists of Yugoslavia (now the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia) and the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, created the Scientific Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš« in 1997 and established the »Annual Scientific Conference« dedicated to the life and work of Professor Ivan Berkeš. The scientific foundation was established on the proposal of the Professor Dr Nada Majkić-Singh, also a long-term organizer of the Annual Scientific Conferences. Beginning in 1998, Scientific Conferences have been presenting masters and doctoral theses of members of the Society and related disciplines during the previous year. On November 16th, 2010, the Thirteenth Annual Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Ivan Berkeš was held in Belgrade, during which experts from Belgrade (N. Majkić-Singh), Zagreb (S. Margetić) and Skopje (S. Efremova-Aaron), the cities where Professor Ivan Berkeš lived and worked, gave their lectures. Also, diplomas and money awards were traditionally presented by the Scientific Fund »Dr Ivan Berkeš« to the best students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade: Zora Ćetković and Jelena Joksić.
The purpose of the Scientific Foundation is to award monetary awards and diplomas to the best graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the previous year, of both study profiles (graduate pharmacist-medical biochemist and graduate pharmacist; now: master of pharmacy-medical biochemist and master of pharmacy), who were the quickest to graduate and with the highest average grade. So far, twenty-two Scientific Annual Conferences have been held, withfifty laureates of the Fund who were awarded diplomas and monetary awards, with their biographies presented in the Monograph.
In 2020, the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia marked the 110th anniversary of the birth of Professor Ivan Berkeš, on which occasion the Monograph-LIFE AND WORK OF PROFESSOR IVAN BERKEŠ and FOUNDATION LAUREATES were prepared: WHERE ARE THEY AND WHAT ARE THEY DOING TODAY?
Laureats of the Scientific Foundation Professor Ivan Berkeš in 2021
Awards from the Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš« in 2021 were awarded to the best students of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade graduated in the school year 2020/2021. This year recipients were:
(Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemists)
(Master of Pharmacy)
The awards delivered Professor Nada Majkić-Singh and Professor Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević on behalf of Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia and Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Univeristy of Beograde during III KONGRES TIMA MEDICINSKIH BIOHEMIČARA (TMB-BPSA) on November 7th at the Pharmaceutical Faculty, University of Belgrade.
On this occasion, the Society of Medical bnBiochemists congratulates them once again on their bnachievements in the field of medical biochemistry and pharmacy.
Suzana Savić je rođena 13.03.1997. godine u Loznici. Osnovnu školu završila je u Malom Zvorniku kao đak generacije. U istom mestu, 2016. godine završila je gimnaziju – opšti smer. Upisala je Farmaceutski fakultet u Beogradu, smer farmaceut – medicinski biohemičar 2016. godine, a diplomirala u junu 2021. godine. Dobitnica je nagrade Profesor dr Ivan Berkeš kao najbolji student diplomirani farmaceut – medicinski biohemičar u školskoj 2020/2021 godini. Tokom studija nagrađena je tri puta za redom godišnjom nagradom Farmaceutskog fakulteta za najbolje studente. Suzana Savić se za vreme studija bavila naučno-istraživačkim radom na Katedri za Medicinsku biohemiju Farmaceutskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu pod mentorstvom Prof. dr Aleksandre Zeljković. Učestvovala je na XIII Mini – kongresu studenata Farmaceutskog fakulteta u Beogradu 2021. godine na kom je prezentovala naučno-istraživački rad na temu »Uticaj primene monakolina K na efikasnost sinteze i apsorpcije holesterola«, koji je proglašen za najbolji rad iz oblasti medicinske biohemije.
Suzana Savić, born on 13.03.1997. in Loznica. She went to the elementary school in her hometown Mali Zvornik and finished it as a student of the generation. In the same town, in 2016, she finished high school. Same year she started her studies in the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade (Master of pharmacy – medical biochemist), and graduated in June of 2021. She received »Professor Dr Ivan Berkeš« award as the best student of the class 2020/2021. During her studies, she got annual award of the Faculty of Pharmacy for the best students, three times in a row. Also Suzana Savić, during her studies, was engaged in student scientific research at Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Zeljković. She participated in XIII Mini-Congress of Students at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade in 2021, where she presented a student scientific research paper on the topic »The effect of monacolin K administration on efficiency of the cholesterol synthesis and absorption«, which was named the best work in the field of medical biochemistry.
Andrea Atanasov rođena je 15.12.1997. godine u Beogradu. Osnovnu školu i Devetu gimnaziju »Mihailo Petrović Alas«, prirodno-matematički smer, završila je u Beogradu. Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu upisala je 2016. godine, a diplo mi ra la u septembru 2021. godine sa prosečnom ocenom 9,75. Diplomski rad pod nazivom »Fenotip CYP2C19 homozigotnih i hemizigotnih transgenih miševa u osamnaestom danu embrionalnog razvića« odbranila je na Katedri za fiziologiju. Tokom srednje škole bila je polaznik Istraživačke stanice »Petnica« na programu hemije. Dobitnica je nagrade Naučnog fonda »Pro fesor Ivan Berkeš« kao najbolja studentkinja na smeru Farmacija koja je diplomirala u školskoj 2020/2021 godini. Za vreme studija bila je nagra đivana nekoliko godina od strane Farmaceutskog fakulteta za postig nut uspeh. Stipendista je Fonda za mlade talente Re pu blike Srbije – Dositeja. Tokom studija bila je sti pen dista grada Beograda i Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Učestvovala je na XIV Mini kongresu studenata Farmaceutskog f a kulteta kao autor studentskog naučno-istraživačkog rada. Doktorske akademske studije na Farma ceut skom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu upisala je školske 2021/2022 godine pod mentorstvom Doc. Dr Marina Jukića. Od oktobra 2021. godine radi kao istra živač-pripravnik na Farmaceutskom fakultetu.
Andrea Atanasov was born on 15th December 1997 in Belgrade. She finished elementary school and The IX Gymnasium »Mihailo Petrović Alas« – natural sciences and mathematics, in Belgrade. She enrolled at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy in 2016, and graduated in September 2021 with an average grade of 9.75. She defended her graduate thesis entitled »CYP2C19 phenotype of homozygous and hemizygous transgenic mice on the eighteenth day of embryonic development« at the Department of Physiology. During high school, she attended Chemistry program at the »Petnica« Research Station. She received award for the best graduated student (Pharmacy programme) during 2020/2021 at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy from the Scientific Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš«. During her studies, she was awarded for her success by the Faculty of Pharmacy for several years. She is a scholarship holder of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia – Dositeja. During her studies, she was a scholar of the City of Belgrade and the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia. She participated in the XIV Mini-
Congress of Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy as the author of student research work. She enrolled in doc-
toral academic studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Belgrade in the 2021/2022 school
year under the supervisor of Assist. Prof. Marin Jukić. Since October 2021, she has been working as a Graduate Researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Professor Nada Majkić-Singh and Professor Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević address to the participants of the III TMBP-BPSA kongres,
Novembar 7, 2021, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Belgrade.
Professor Nada Majkić-Singh and Professor Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević address to the participants of the
III KONGRES TIMA MEDICINSKIH BIOHEMIČARA (TMB-BPSA) on behalf of the Scientific Fund »Professor Ivan Berkeš«.
Professor Nada Majkić-Singh deliver Award of the Professor Ivan Berkeš Foundation to Suzana Savić, the winner for 2021.
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Suzana Savić, the winner of the Scientific Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš« with Nada Majkić-Singh and Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević. | Andrea Atanasov and Suzana Savić after delivering the Awards with Nada Majkić-Singh and Nataša Boghavac-Stanojević. |
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Andrea Atanasov and Suzana Savić after delivering the Awards with Nada Majkić-Singh and Nataša Boghavac Stanojević. | From left to right: Suzana Savić, Nada Majkić-Singh, Teodora Tumbas (TMB-BPSA Coordinator), Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević and Andrea Atanasov, Novembar 7, 2021, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Belgrade |
Prepared by dr Snežana Jovičić
Liaison Member of the IFCC eNewsletter Working Group
In 2020, the year of the global pandemic the activities of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia (SMBS) were suspended. Planned activities, like the national congress and the Belgrade Symposium for Balkan region were postponed, and the annual scientific conference »Professor Ivan Berkeš« did not take place. However, the year 2020 was also the year of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Professor Ivan Berkeš. On this occasion, SMBS published a monograph dedicated to professor Berkeš’s life and work, to the review of the previous scientific conferences organized to honour his legacy, also to the Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš«, and to the laureates of its annual award. The authors of the monograph are Professor Nada Majkić-Singh, the founder of the Foundation and its spiritus movens, and Sne ana Jovi ić, who, as the IFCC eNewsletter liaison member, was writing a series of articles covering the conference over the past years.
Professor Ivan Berkeš established medical biochemistry as a modern scientific and diagnostic discipline of medicine and pharmacy in Yugoslavia and Serbia. Under his guidance generations of medical biochemists were educated at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Belgrade. But not only. As a versatile individual (he was passionate in music, art, history, and philosophy, and spoke five languages) he inspired his students with his charismatic personality. Professor Berkeš graduated and completed his Ph.D. thesis in Zagreb, Croatia. He worked at several universities in former Yugoslavia – at the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb, Faculty of Medicine in Skopje (North Macedonia), and Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade (Serbia), where he was elected Senior Professor in medical biochemistry and was a longterm director of the Institute of Biochemistry until his retirement. For nearly 20 years professor Ivan Berkeš invested all his efforts into the methodological research in clinical biochemistry, general and clinical enzymology. This work resulted in numerous specialists, master, and doctoral theses. During his working years, professor Berkeš published several books and over 200 scientific papers in renowned journals in Yugoslavia and worldwide. He was actively engagedin the Federal Committee for Medical Biochemistryand the Section of Medical Biochemistry of the Pharmaceutical Society of Serbia.
Appreciating the work of their teacher and a renowned expert, professor Ivan Berkeš, upon the proposal of Professor Nada Majkić-Singh, in 1997 the Society of Medical Biochemists of Yugoslavia at the time, now the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, and the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, established the Scientific Foundation and the Annual Scientific Conference „Professor Ivan Berkeš«. Beginning in 1998, Scientific Conferenceshave been presenting masters and doctoral theses in medical biochemistry and related disciplines defended during the previous academic year. Also, the best graduate students in pharmacy and medical biochemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the previous academic year have been awarded the monetary awards of the Scientific Foundation. The monograph reviews all the twenty-one scientific conferences that took place so far, concluded with the last one, held in December 2019. Also, presents the biographies of all the forty-eight laureates of the Scientific Foundation, informing us briefly about their careers in pharmacy and medical biochemistry, in Serbia and worldwide. The 2020 Scientific Conference could not take place because of the restrictions imposed by the global pandemic that prevented us from gathering. However, the Foundation did not miss to hand the well-deserved awards to the best students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2020, Milena Simić (Master of Pharmacy-medical biochemist) and Milan Beljkaš (Master of Pharmacy). SMBS congratulate them on their first success, wishing them fruitful careers in pharmacy and medical biochemistry, like the ones their predecessors have. We hope that the 2020 would be the only year in which the Scientific Conference did not take place, and that the memory of Professor Ivan Berkeš will be alive for many years to come through the activities of Scientific Foundation, annual Scientific Conference, and many young laureates of the Foundation award.
Laureats of the Scientific Foundation
Professor Ivan Berkeš in 2021
Book cover of the monograph Scientific Foundation »Professor
Ivan Berkeš«
Professor Berkeš with his collaborators and specialists at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, 1970.
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Professor Nada Majkić-Singh and the laureate of the Foundation award for the year 2020, Milena Simić. | Professor Nada Majkić-Singh and the laureate of the Foundation award for the year 2020, Milan Beljkaš |
Prepared by dr Snežana Jovičić
Liaison Member of the IFCC eNewsletter Working Group
(SMBS) and the Scientific Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš« organized for the twenty second time the annual Scientific Conference dedicated to the life and work of the esteemed prof. dr Ivan Berkeš, one of the founders of medical biochemistry in former Yugoslavia. The Conference is the occasion when the best graduate students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade are awarded by the Scientific Foundation «Professor Ivan Berkeš«.
The 2019 Annual Scientific Conference «Professor Ivan Berkeš« was co-organized and hosted by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. It gathered over 200 participants – students, older colleagues who were the students of Professor Berkeš, young graduated medical biochemists, and teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Traditional guests were the family members of Professor Berkeš – his son and grandson, with their families. This traditional meeting of students and professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy, honoring the legacy of one of its most distinguished professors. was held on 28 November 2019. Prof. Nada Majkić-Singh, traditionally the organizer, with her opening words greeted the participants and reminded us of the history, the idea of foundation, and the significance of the Conference, as well as of the life and work of the Professor Ivan Berkeš, whom it honors. Following the welcoming address of the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, prof. dr Sla|ana Šobajić, prof. Majkić-Singh, presented awards of the Foundation. This year’s recipients were Tijana Vučković, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, and Teodora Bulog, Master of Pharmacy. During the scientific part of the program, chaired by prof. dr Svetlana Ignjatović and prof. dr Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska, this year’s defended doctoral thesis at the Departments of Medical Biochemistry and Toxicology of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, were presented. This year, their doctoral theses also presented the colleagues from the Departments of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš and of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad. The first speaker was dr Tamara Gojković, with her thesis on the influence of the importance of cholesterol synthesis and abrsorbtion markers determination in healthy subjects and patients with ischemic heart disease. Dr Danijela Ristovski Kornic’s thesis was about the determination of myeloperoxidase and lipoprotein subclasses distribution in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease. Antidotal efficacy of newly synthesized oximes K203 and K027 in rats acutely exposed to dichlorvos was the topic of the lecture of dr Evica Antonijević. The lecture on the effect of melatonin on parameters of oxidative damage, inflammation and neoangiogenesis in the retina of rats with streptozotocin/nicotinamide induced type 2 diabetes mellitus by dr Branka Djordjević followed. The conference closed the doctorate of dr Dragana Milošević on the connection between selected parameters of complete blood count, glycoregulatuon and the presence of degenerative complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, prof. dr Sla|ana Šobajić, and prof. Nada Majkić-Singh. |
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Laureat of the award Tijana Vučković, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, with prof. Nada Majkić-Singh. |
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Laureat of the award Teodora Bulog, Master of Pharmacy, with prof. Nada Majkić-Singh. |
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Laureats, lecturers and chairs of the Conference, from left to right – Tijana Vučković, Teodora Bulog, prof. Svetlana Ignjatović, prof. Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska, dr Danijela Ristovski-Kornic, prof. Nada Majkić-Singh, dr Evica Antonijević, dr Dragana Milošević, dr Branka Djordjević, and dr Tamara Gojković. |
Organizator Prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh
Prepared by dr Snežana Jovičić
Liaison Member of the IFCC eNewsletter Working Group
Scientific Conference dedicated to the life and work of the esteemed prof. dr Ivan Berkeš, one of the founders of medical biochemistry in former Yugoslavia, is organized for twenty one years now under the auspices of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia (SMBS), and Scientific Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš«. The Conference is the occasion when the best graduate students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade are awarded by the Scientific Foundation »Professor Ivan Berkeš«. The 2018 Annual Scientific Conference »Professor Ivan Berkeš« is the second co-organized and hosted by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. It gathered over 200 participants–students, older colleagues who were the students of Professor Berkeš, young graduated medical biochemists, and teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Traditional guests were the family members of Professor Berkeš – his son and grandson, with their families. This traditional meeting of students and professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy, honoring the legacy of one of its most distinguished professors. was held on 6 December 2018.
After the opening words of the organizer, prof. Nada Majkić-Singh, the musical band of pharmacy students performed, adding the festivity to the event. Following the welcoming address of the Dean prof. dr Sla|ana Šobajić, prof. Majkić-Singh, together with the President of the SMBS, dr Zorica Šumarac, presented awards of the Foundation.
This year’s recipients were Jelena Pavlović, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, and Natalija Arsić, Master of Pharmacy. During the scientific part of the program, chaired by prof. dr Svetlana Ignjatović, prof. dr Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska, and dr Zorica Šumarac, this year’s defended doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Belgrade, were presented. This year, their doctoral theses also presented the colleagues from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first speaker was dr Dragana Bačković, with her thesis on the influence of CYP2C19*2 gene variant on therapeutic response during clopidogrel treatment in patients with carotid artery stenosis. Dr Dragana Puhalo Sladoje’s thesis was about the concentration of appetite regulators and adipocytokines in blood plasma adolescents with obesity and/or metabolic syndrome. Oxidative stress status in blood and lipoprotein fractions in patients with chronic kidney disease was the topic of the lecture of dr Milica Miljković. The lecture on risk factors for the occurrence and development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with oxidative stress in Serbian population by dr @ivka Malić followed. Redox disbalance and inflammation influence on PON1 activity and distribution at the HDL lipoprotein particles in polycystic ovary syndrome was presented by dr Iva Perović-Blagojević. The conference closed the doctorate of dr Vanja Todorović on antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of cocoa powder and its impact on mice behavior after short-term and long-term supplementation.
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Professor Nada Majkić-Singh address to Professor Berkeš Scientific Conference participants. |
Professor Slađana Šobajić, Faculty of Pharmacy Dean address to the Conference participants. |
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Pharmacy students’ musical band oppening the Conference. |
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Conference presidents: Nada Majkić-Singh, Vesna Kalimanovska Spasojević, Svetlana Ignjatović, Zorica Šumarac. |
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This years laureates, Jelena Pavlović and Natalija Arsić, with prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh and dr Zorica Šumarac. |
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Chairs and lecturers, from left to righ: dr Milica Miljković, dr Iva Perović-Blagojević, prof. Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska, prof. Nada Majkić-Singh, dr Željka Malić, prof. Svetlana Ignjatović, dr Dragana Bačković, dr Dragana Puhalo-Sladoje, and dr Zorica Šumarac. |
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Professor Vesna Kalimanovska Spasojević introducing the lecturers. | Conference participants. |
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dr Velibor Canić and Professor Slađana Šobajić. |
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Lecturers: Dragana Bačković and Iva Perović Blagojević. |
Prepared by dr Snežana Jovičić
Liaison Member of the IFCC eNewsletter Working Group
Honoring life and work of Professor Ivan Berkeš, one of the founders of the medical biochemistry profession in former Yugoslavia, Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia organized for the twentieth time in December 2017, the traditional annual Scientific Conference. Professor Ivan Berke{ taught at Universities of Zagreb, Skopje and Belgrade. His work at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, was crowned in designing the post graduate specialization studies program, and in foundation of clinical enzymology as an independent discipline. Pro fessor Berke{ was mentor to over 150 medical biochemistry specialists, and several dozen of PhD students. He authored over 200 papers in international and national journals, as well as of several books. Upon his death, in 1997, his former students gathered in the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, established the Scientific Foundation “Professor Ivan Berkeš”. The Foundation traditionally awards the best students graduated at the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Belgrade and organize the Annual Scientific Conference where the doctoral dissertations defended in the field of medical biochemistry during the past year are presented.
The twentieth annual Scientific Conference was organized traditionally by Professor Nada Majkić-Singh, Professor Berkeš’ student and associate, who contributed the most to the remembrance of his legacy. The Conference was held 7 December 2017 under the patronage of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Scientific Foundation “Professor Ivan Berkeš” and the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Belgrade. It gathered over 200 participants – students, older colleagues who were the students of Professor Berkeš, young graduated medical biochemists, and teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Traditional guests were the family members of Professor Berkeš – his son and grandson, with their families.
Professor Nada Majkić-Singh opened the Conference, with the opening welcome and word on its history and significance. On behalf of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the participants were welcomed by the Vice Dean, professor Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević. After the opening words, the choir of students “The Raskovnik” performed, adding the festivity to the event. The opening ceremony was closed by awarding the valedictorians of the two graduate programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Belgrade – Tamara Antoni}, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, and Sandra Tešić, Master of Pharmacy. Prof. Nada Majkić-Singh and Professor Marina Milenković, the Vice Dean for Education, handed the awards to this year’s laureates.
Professor Svetlana Ignjatovi} and Professor Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska chaired the scientific part of the Conference. The program encompassed all of the three fields of the medical biochemistry curriculum – medical biochemistry, toxicological chemistry and sanitary chemistry. In the first part, the results of the ongoing scientific projects of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development were presented. The speakers were Professor Aleksandra Zeljković (“Assessment of LCAT and CETP activities as a tool for estimation of structural and functional properties of HDL particles”) and Professor Mirjana Be}arević (“Diagnostic and therapy of anti phos pholipid syndrome”). The second part was dedicated to the presentation of doctoral thesis presentations. Dr Marina Pjanović presented her work on bone for mation markers and vitamin D in pregnancy. Metabolic and immunological effects of administration of two Lactobacillus strains in mice fed a high fat diet were presented by dr Ana Đurić. The Conference wasclosed with the presentation on the study on rats of cadmium and polychlorinated biphenyls mixture toxicity by dr Aleksandra Buha-Đorđević.
Choir of students of Faculty of Pharmacy “Raskovnik”; the conductor Đorđe Perović, on the piano Vladimir Vujović.
Family of professor Berkeš and audience at the Conference.
Laureate of the “Professor Ivan Berkeš” Scientific Foundation, Sandra Tešić (in the middle) with professor Marina Milenković (left) and professor Nada Majkić-Singh (right).
Laureate of the “Professor Ivan Berkeš” Scientific Foundation, Tamara Antonić (in the middle) with professor Marina Milenković (left) and professor Nada Majkić-Singh (right).
Participants in the scientific part of the Conference with laureates (from left to right): assistant Milica Miljković, professor Aleksandra Zeljković, professor Vesna Matović, professor Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska, professor Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević, Tamara Antonić, professor Marina Milenković, professor Nada Majkić-Singh, Sandra Tešić, professor Mirjana Bećarević, professor Svetlana Ignjatović.
Professor Nada Majkić-Singh i Sofija Majanović with students from TMB.
Prepared by dr Snežana Jovičić
Liaison Member of the IFCC eNewsletter Working Group
As the professor of University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy, professor Ivan Berkeš was one of the founders of the medical biochemistry profession in former Yugoslavia. His immense contribution was in designing the postgraduate specialization studies program, and in foundation of clinical enzymology as an independent discipline. Under his mentorship, over 150 medical biochemists became specialists. Professor Berkeš was also a world-renowned scientist, with the authorship of over 200 papers in international and national journals, as well as of several books. The community of medical biochemists and the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia honor his life and deed, since his death in 1997, through the work of the Scientific Foundation “Professor Ivan Berkeš”. The Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia and the Foundation traditionally award the best students of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Belgrade and organize the Annual Scientific Conference.
The Nineteenth Annual Scientific Conference “Professor Ivan Berkeš” was held on 1 December 2016, under the patronage of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Scientific Foundation “Professor Ivan Berkeš”, and the Institute of Medical Biochemistry of the Military Medical Academy. The participants of the Conference were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, colonel professor dr Nebojša Jović who expressed his great admiration for medical biochemistry profession and honor for being the host of this important event for the nineteenth time, and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Belgrade, professor dr Zorica Vujić, who emphasized the significance of professor Berkeš’s work and of this conference. This year’s laureates of the annual award of the Foundation were the valedictorians of the two graduate programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Belgrade – Aleksandra Tijanić, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, and Marija Banićević, Master of Pharmacy.
The scientific program of the Conference included presentations of doctoral thesis defended in the field of medical biochemistry at Faculty of Pharmacy University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade, and Faculty of Medicine University of Niš during the past year. Dr Neda Milinković presented the results of her thesis on the significance of the determination of biomarkers of bone resorption and formation in patients with end stage renal disease. Association between COMT, TNF-a, TNFR1, IL-1, and IL-10 genetic polymorphisms with a risk of early preeclampsia and it’s complication was the topic of research presented by dr Tijana Krnjeta, who was herself the laureate of the Foundation in the past. Dr Gordana Dmitrašinović presented her thesis on the effect of magnesium on parameters of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis activity in rugby players. The first section was closed with the presentation of dr Vesna Subota on immunomodulatory effects of anticoagulant warfarin in rats. The second section was opened with research results of dr Milica Despotović on polymorphisms in genes involved in inflammatory, antioxidative and immunoregulatory processes in patients with bronchial asthma. Another past laureate of the Foundation, dr Miron Sopić, presented his thesis on gene expression of adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, and adiponectin levels in blood of coronary disease patients and chronic kidney disease patients. The scientific conference was closed with the talk of dr Jasmina Ivanišević on the examination of inflammatory, oxidative stress and lipid status parameters in sarcoidosis patients. All lectures initiated vivid discussion among the most recent PhDs and interested audience, which was essential for another successfull conference worthy of the memory of a respected professor Ivan Berkeš.
Colonel prof. dr Nebojša Jović, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, welcoming the audience with the chairs of the Conference, from left to right: prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh (Executive Director of SMBS), prof. dr Svetlana Ignjatović, prof. dr Janko Pejović, and dr Zorica Šumarac (President of SMBS).
Prof. dr Zorica Vujić, Dean of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of Belgrade University welcoming the audience of the 19th Scientific “Professor Ivan Berkeš” Conference.
Aleksandra Tijanić, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, the laureate of the Foundation, with prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh and dr Zorica Šumarac.
Marija Banićević, Master of Pharmacy, the laureate of the Foundation, with prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh and dr Zorica Šumarac.
The chairs of the Conference with laureates and lecturers, dr Vesna Subota and dr Miron Sopić.
The audience of the 19th Scientific “Professor Ivan Berkeš” Conference in Military Medical Academy Hall.
Prepared by dr Snežana Jovičić
Liaison Member of the IFCC eNewsletter Working Group
The annual activities of Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia are traditionally wraped up in December with the scientific conference dedicated to the life and work of one of the most prominent figures in medical biochemistry science and profession in former Yugoslavia. In this way, on 3 December 2015, Serbian medical biochemistry professionals remembered for the eighteenth time, their esteemed mentor and founder, since professor Berkeš established post graduate program in medical bio chemistry at the University of Belgrade School of Pharmacy. Under his leadership, several dozen candidates got their Master of Science and Doctoral degrees, and over 150 medical biochemists obtained their specialist degrees. Professor Berke{ authored over 200 papers in leading international and national journals, and several books.
The eighteenth in a row scientific conference “Professor Ivan Berkeš” was organized, as usual, bythe Executive Director of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia and the successor of professor Berkeš in leading and guidance of Serbian Medical Biochemistry in the last thirty years, professor Nada Majkić-Singh. The conference was held under the patronage of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Scientific Foundation “Professor Ivan Berkeš”, and the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Military Medical Academy. The chairs were professor Svetlana Ignjatović, dr Janko Pejović, and dr Zorica Šumarac. Representative of the Head of the Military Medical Academy, colonel professor Zoran Šegrt welcomed the gathering and expressed his great admiration for medical biochemistry profession and honor for being the host of this important event for the eighteenth time. After the welcoming word of the Vice-Dean for Education of the University of Belgrade School of Pharmacy, professor Marina Milenković, who emphasized the significance of professor Berkeš‘s work and the scientific conference, the awards of the Scientific Foundation were delivered to the best pharmacy students that graduated in the past year. This was also the part of tradition, since Scientific Foundation “Professor Ivan Berkeš” was established by the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia to support and award valedictorians of the two graduate programs of the University of Belgrade School of Pharmacy. This year’s laureates were Branislava Šupljeglav, Master of Pharmacy-Medical Biochemist, and Milan Milojević, Master of Pharmacy.
The scientific program of the Conference included presentations of doctoral thesis defended in the field of medical biochemistry at School of Pharmacy and School of Medicine of the Universities of Belgrade during the past year. The lectures in the first section were mostly dedicated to the research of the oxidative stress biomarkers. Dr Danijela Ardalić presented the results of her thesis on indicators of oxidative stress, lipid profile, and status of the enzyme paraoxonase 1 in pregnancy without complication and after delivery. Indicators of oxidative stress and inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with co-morbidity was the topic of research presented by dr Ivana Stanojković. Dr Nevena Kardum’s thesis investigated the impact of aronia juice on oxidative status’ biomarkers and fatty acid profile in healthy subjects with or without risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Dr Danica Ćujić presented her research of the effect of steroid hormones and their antagonists on galectins’ level in human trophoblast in vitro. The second section was mainly dedicated to research of the enzyme genetic polimorphisms. The role of genetic polymorphisms of glu thathione transferases in the development of Balkan endemic nephropathy was the topic of research presented by dr Zorica Reljić. The scientific conference was closed with the talk of dr Mirjana Milivojević on the clinical relevance of osteopontin in diagnosis of ovarian tumors.
All lectures initiated vivid discussion among the most recent PhDs and interested audience, which was essential for another successfull conference worthy of the memory of a respected mentor and world-renowned scientist.
Nada Majkić-Singh addresses to the Scientific Conference participants
Participants on the 18th Annual Professor Ivan Berkeš Scientific Conference
Colonel Professor Zoran Šegrt, Head of the Military Medical Academy welcome the Conference participants
Professor Marina Milenković, Vice-Dean of The Pharmaceutical Faculty addresses to the Conference participants
Laureat Branislava Šupljeglav with Nada Majkić-Singh and Zorica Šumarac
Laureat Milan Milojević with Nada Majkić-Singh and Zorica Šumarac
Laureats of the “Professor Ivan Berkeš Foundation” with Marina Milenković, Nada Majkić-Singh, Zoran Šegrt, Svetlana Ignjatović, Janko Pejović and Zorica Šumarac
Profesor Ivan Berkeš
Ceneći delo svog učitelja i eminentnog stručnjaka prof. dr Ivana Berkeša, Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Jugoslavije i Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta iz Beograda, formirali su 1997. godine Naučni fond “Profesor Ivan Berkeš” i ustanovili “Godišnju naučnu konferenciju” koju posvećuju životu i delu profesora Ivana Berkeša. Naučni fond je formiran na predlog prof. dr Nade Majkić-Singh, koja je i dugogodišnji organizator Godišnjih naučnih konferencija.
Dr Ivan Berkeš, profesor Farmaceutskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu jedan je od utemeljivača medicinske biohemije u Jugoslaviji. Medicinsku biohemiju predavao je u Zagrebu, Skoplju i Beogradu. Dolaskom u Beograd, šezdesetih godina, posvetio se stvaranju programa specijalizacije iz medicinske biohemije. Pod njegovim rukovodstvom iz oblasti medicinske biohemije magistriralo i doktoriralo je više desetina kandidata i specijaliziralo preko 150 medicinskih biohemičara. Utemeljio je i kliničku enzimologiju kao nezavisnu disciplinu. Beogradsku školu enzimologije trasirao je kao pedagoško-publicističku i istraživačku. Objavio je preko 200 naučnih radova u svetskim i domaćim časopisima i napisao više knjiga. Autor je dela “Opšta i medicinska enzimologija”.
Počev od 1998. godine do danas Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije (ranije Jugoslavije) održalo je 17 Naučnih konferencija posvećenih delu prof. dr Ivana Berkeša u toku kojih su prikazivane magistarske i doktorske teze članova Društva i iz srodnih disciplina odbranjene u toku protekle godine.
Prva godišnja naučna konferencija održana je 21. 10. 1998. godine u Beogradu, hotelu “Inter-Continental Beograd”, uz održavanje Drugog kongresa farmaceuta Jugoslavije. Organizatori su bili Naučno društvo Srbije, Sekcija za medicinsku biohemiju Farmaceutskog društva Srbije i Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Jugoslavije. Svrha Naučnog fonda je i dodela novčane nagrade i diplome najboljim studentima Farmaceutskog fakulteta, oba profila studija (farmacija i medicinska biohemija), koji su najkraće studirali i diplomirali sa najvišom prosečnom ocenom u prethodnoj školskoj godini.
Prvi nagrađeni laureati Fonda bili su Vesna Vuković, diplomirani farmaceut – medicinski biohemičar i Nebojša Cekić, diplomirani farmaceut.
Druga naučna konferencija održana je 14. decembra 1999. godine u Beogradu, u Hotelu M. Ova Konferencija održana je i povodom 60 godina Farmaceutskog fakulteta u Beogradu i 120 godina Farmaceutskog društva Srbije. Treća godišnja naučna konferencija posvećena životu i delu profesora Ivana Berkeša održana je 27. februara 2001. godine. Konferencije su zatim održavane svake godine. Od 2004. godine Naučne konferencije su održavane na Vojno-medicinskoj akademiji, a organizatori su bili Društvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije, Naučni fond “Profesor Ivan Berkeš”, Institut za medicinsku biohemiju Kliničkog centra Srbije i Institut za medicinsku biohemiju Vojno-medicinske akademije. Sedamnaesta naučna konferencija održana je 2. decembra 2014. godine na Vojno-medicinskoj akademiji u Beogradu. Svi nagrađeni laureati tokom ovih 17 naučnih konferencija navedeni su u posebnom Dodatku, a sa svojim biografijama i slikama nalaze se na sajtu
Na Naučnoj konferenciji svoje magistarske ili doktorske teze, bilo da su odbranjene na Farmaceutskom ili Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, ili Medicinskim fakultetima Univerziteta u Nišu i Novom Sadu, izložili su sledeći članovi Društva: Violeta Jelušić, Mirka Ilić, Marija Romić, Tatjana Ristić, Sanja Stanković, Lilika Zvezdanović, Radica Dunjić, Radmila Mihailović, Marijana Dajak, Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević, Tatjana Jevtović-Stoimenov, Slavka Mandić-Radić, Vojislav Ristovski, Snežana Marković, Janko Pejović, Tatjana Vodnik, Vesna Radonjić, Lilika Zvezdanović, Ivana Stojanović, Radmila Kovačević, Mirjana Opačić, Zorica Šumarac, Zoran Mijušković, Marina Vučeljić, Duško Mirković, Tatjana Cvetković, Marica Marković, Aleksandra Nikolić, Aleksandra Davić-Radojević, Vladan Ćosić, Emina Čolak, Nada Bujišić, Dušan Sokolović, Mirjana Bećarević, Olivera Dimitrijević, Velibor Čabarkapa, Branimir Radosavljević, Radmila Obrenović, Zoran Dimitrijević, Snežana Jovičić, Aleksandar Veljković, Dragana Pap, Aleksandar Ignjatović, Emina Čolak, Anđelo Beletić, Tatjana Vodnik, Ana Ninić, Lidija Memon, Vesna Vuković. Većina ovde navedenih su izlagali svoje magistarske, kao i doktorske teze. Jedino je Prva naučna konferencija imala karakter opšte naučne konferencije na kojoj je izlagalo više autora. O životu i delu govorila je prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh, a zatim su izlagali E-G. Krauese (Berlin, Nemačka), Zorana Vasiljević, Snežana Marković, Gordana Koraćević, Nada Majkić-Singh, Slavica Spasić, Mirka Ilić, Zorana Jelić-Ivanović i Vesna Spasojević-Kalimanovska.
Izgled Diplome koja se dodeljuje najboljim studentima
Naučna konferencija | Ime i prezime | Školska godina |
Prva | Vesna Vuković, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Nebojša Cekić, diplomirani farmaceut |
1997/98 |
Druga | Sonja Bulajić, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Ivan Kovačević, diplomirani farmaceut |
1998/99 |
Treća | Iva Perović, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Danijela Đukić, diplomirani farmaceut |
1999/00 |
Četvrta | Ana Đurović, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Marija Stanojević, diplomirani farmaceut |
2000/01 |
Peta | Анђело Белетић, дипломирани фармацеут, медицински биохемичар Ана Кораћ, дипломирани фармацеут |
2001/02 |
Šesta | Srđan Dragović, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Igor Popović, diplomirani farmaceut |
2002/03 |
Sedma | Ana Đorđević, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Marija Petronijević, diplomirani farmaceut |
2003/04 |
Osma | Marko Racković, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Slađana Stanojković, diplomirani farmaceut |
2004/05 |
Deveta | Tijana Krnjeta, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Dragana Tašić, diplomirani farmaceut |
2005/06 |
Deseta | Miron Sopić, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Ivana Kocić, diplomirani farmaceut |
2006/07 |
Jedanaesta | Jelena Parezanović, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Gordana Draganac, diplomirani farmaceut |
2007/08 |
Dvanaesta | Jelena Pantić, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Vladimir Dobričić, diplomirani farmaceut |
2008/09 |
Trinaesta | Jelena Joksić, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Zora Ćetković, diplomirani farmaceut |
2009/10 |
Četrnaesta | Milena Anđelković, diplomirani farmaceut, medicinski biohemičar Mladen Milović, diplomirani farmaceut Ana Milojević, magistar farmacije, medicinski biohemičar Sanela Đorđević, magistar farmacije |
2010/11 |
Petnaesta | Mladen Stankov, magistar farmacije, medicinski biohemičar Marija Todosijević, magistar farmacije |
2011/12 |
Šesnaesta | Sanja Vučković, magistar farmacije, medicinski biohemičar Biljana Škorić, magistar farmacije |
2012/13 |
Sedamnaesta | Sanja Kandić, magistar farmacije, medicinski biohemičar Dušan Ružić, magistar farmacije |
2013/14 |
Osamnaeste | Branislava Šupljeglav magistar farmacije-medicinski biohemičar Milan Milojević magistar farmacije |
2014/15 |
Devetnaesta | Aleksandra Tijanić magistar farmacije-medicinski biohemičar Marija Banićević magistar farmacije |
2015/16 |
Dvadeseta | Tamara Antonić magistar farmacije-medicinski biohemičar Sandra Tešić magistar farmacije |
2016/17 |
Dvadeset prva | Jelena Pavlović magistar farmacije-medicinski biohemičar Natalija Arsić magistar farmacije |
2017/18 |
Dvadeset druga | Tijana Vučković magistar farmacije-medicinski biohemičar Teodora Bulog magistar farmacije |
2018/19 |
Predsedavajući Treće naučne konferencije (Beograd, 2000. god.): S. Ignjatović, A. Poštić-Grujin i V. Cvetković
Iva Perović i Danijela Đukić dobitnici nagrade na Trećoj naučnoj konferenciji
Učesnici Četvrte naučne konferencije (Beograd, 2001. god.)
Ana Korać dobitnik nagrade na Petoj naučnoj konferenciji sa Nadom Majkić-Singh (Beograd, 2002. god.)
Igor Berkeš i Ivan Berkeš na otvaranju Šeste naučne konferencije (Beograd, 2003. god.)
Srđan Dragović i Igor Popović sa Nadom Majkić-Singh i Svetlanom Ignjatović na Šestoj konferenciji
Predsedavajući na Devetoj naučnoj konferenciji (Beograd, 2006. god.): Svetlana Ignjatović i Janko Pejović
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Nada Majkić-Singh sa Tijanom Krnjetom i Draganom Tašić na Devetoj naučnoj konferenciji |
Prof. dr Nada Kovačević, dekan Farmaceutskog fakulteta obraća se učesnicima Desete naučne konferencije (Beograd, 2007. god.) |
Dolazak general-majora prof. dr. Miodraga Jevtića, načelnika VMA na Desetu naučnu konferenciju sa Jankom Pejovićem i Đokom Maksićem (Beograd, 2007. god.)
Miron Savić i Ivana Kocić dobitnici nagrade na Desetoj naučnoj konferenciji sa Nadom Majkić-Singh i Nadom Kovačević
Svetlana Ignjatović i Branimir Radosavljević na Jedanaestoj naučnoj konferenciji (Beograd, 2001. god.)
Dobitnici nagrade na Jedanaestoj naučnoj konferenciji (sleva nadesno): Janko Pejović, Gordana Draganac, Svetlana Ignjatović, Jelena Parezanović, Nada Majkić-Singh i Velibor Canić
Dobitnici nagrade Fonda na Petnaestoj naučnoj konferenciji 2012. godine Mladen Stankov i Marija Todosijević sa Zoricom Šumarac, Svetlanom Ignjatović i Nadom Majkić-Singh
Studenti nagrađeni na Sedamnaestoj naučnoj konferenciji Dušan Ružić i Sanja Kandić sa prof. dr Nadom Majkić-Singh (decembar 2014. god.)
Studenti i organizatori Sedamnaeste naučne konferencije sa načelnikom Vojnomedicinske akademije generalom prof. dr Marjanom Novakovićem (sleva nadesno): Sanja Kandić, Nada Majkić-Singh, Dušan Ružić, Zorica Šumarac, Janko Pejović i Svetlana Ignjatović
Dobitnici priznanja Osamnaeste naučne konferencije sa Marinom Milenković, Nadom Majkić-Singh, Zoranom Šegrtom, Svetlanom Ignjatović, Jankom Pejović and Zoricom Šumarac.